Gaming Chair Guides (2024) | All essential informations

How to choose the right Gaming chair: Guides

Choosing the right one is extremely important.

You spend around 8h a day sleeping, and to do so you’ve invested in a good bed and mattress, sometimes at 4-figure prices.

You also spend an average of 8h a day sitting down.

So you should give as much thought to your gaming chair as you did to your mattress/bed!

That’s why I’ve put together a few guides to help you choose the right gaming chair for you!

Maintaining and repairing your gaming chair

When you invest a lot of money in a gaming chair, you absolutely want to get the most out of your investment.

That’s why I’ve put together a few guides on how to look after your chair (whether it’s made of imitation leather, leather or fabric).

Good maintenance will double your chair’s durability!

However, sometimes it’s too late, and your gaming chair is already broken (whatever the reason, it happens)!

There are many ways to repair a gaming chair and make it last a few more years (or even longer, depending on the problem)!

Other tips

The world of gaming and gaming chairs is a rich one…

You’re wondering why I say that?

Well… There’s something for everyone, from the DIY enthusiast who’d like to build his own gaming chair to tips on how to sit longer without back pain!

And even ideas for decorating your gaming chair to make it even more stylish (hello LEDs)!

This is also the category where I’ll be offering definitions, the best e-sport schools, and so on.

author thomas langeliers
Thomas Langeliers

Thomas is the creator/editor of this site. A very passionate gamer since his early childhood, his mission is to help you choose an important part of your set-up: the gaming chair.